
日本に住むようになってから「イースト」と「酵母」という言葉をたくさんを聞いてきました。日本の「パン屋」さんはつくづく酵母遊びが好きなんだなといつも思います。「天然酵母」と言われるパンは、味と色のカーニバルです:パンイースト、ドライイースト、レーズン、イチゴ、酒麹、野菜、バラ、グリシン、ヨーグルト、リンゴ、ラベンダー、タンザワ酵母など。ヨーロッパではそのような酵母はまず見かけないです。何もないところから生地が立ち上がるところを見ることは、もしかしたら自己満足の頂点かもしれません、しかし最も重要なことが欠けているそれは:発酵というものの健康上の利点です。フランスとは異なり、日本ではパンの特定な法律がありません。でたらめでも、たくさんの店はオーガニックと手作りのパンを焼いていると謳っています。もちろんそれが本当かどうかなど誰も気にしないし、処罰もないです。近年では、ほとんどの店が「天然酵母」で「製品」を宣伝しています。誤解を招くマーケティングです。はたして「天然酵母」を謳えばそれは自然と「健康」を意味するのでしょうか ?大きなパン屋さんで「天然酵母のパン」を売ってる!ナイスジョーク ...ほとんどの「天然酵母」は、工場で栽培され調整されています(普通のイーストのように)。人をだますのは簡単!先延ばしにする必要はないのです:貪欲なパン屋さんはイーストを使って素早く大量に粗悪なパンを作るのです。













 量を減らすことが可能となり、ベックでは塩は16g / kg)。通常ルヴァンのファンはパンを

文化の違いでしょうか。日本では昔から全ての発酵は米麹に基づいていると思います。日本ではパンの歴史は短くパンに関する深い知識はありません(米の文化だから)。100%天然ルヴァンは簡単には焼けません。長い時間と一定の学習が必要です。機械は不要!忍耐必要!エゴなし!しかし謙虚さが必要... ルヴァンがパン屋の生活を管理するからです。その反対では不可能なのです。常連さんは私のこの言葉を何回も聞いたと思います:「お客さんは王様ではない、私に主導権はない、つまり…この店の全てはパン様が支配している!」

Levain bread, tastes like bread !

Fermentation carnival…
So far, I can't remember how many type of 'yeast' and 'wild yeast' I've heard about since baking in Japan. ‘Natural yeast’ labeled bread are a carnival of flavours and colours… baker’s yeast, raisin, strawberry, sakekoji, vegetables, rose, glycine, yogourt, apple, lavender, hoshino etc. I’ve never heard about that in Europe. For us it’s a complete nonsense. Watching dough rising from nothing might be the top of self-satisfaction, but missing the most important thing : fermentation… In Japan, there is no specific legislation for bread. In recent years, most of the stores have been promoting their 'products' under the name 'Natural yeasts'. It is only a selling point and misleading. 'Natural yeast' means 'good for health'? Nice joke ... Most of the stores use brands like Hoshinokobo or ShirakamiKodamakobo often combined with dry yeast: natural yeasts, grown and conditioned in a factory. How easy to fool people ! There is no need to procrastinate : greedy baker use yeast to bake quickly bad bread and real baker use ‘levain’, as in ancient times.

What is natural levain?
Human suppose that the first leavened bread was the result of a mistake. A forgotten dough that would have fermented in the presence of yeasts and natural bacteria living on the husks of wheat. And there you have it ! Leaven is a mixture of flour and water having fermented through ferments (unicellular type mushroom) and bacteria (lactobacilli) naturally present in the flour. 

Everything is a matter of pH.
To activate fully the fermentation process, you need time (at least 12 hours) and the right level of acidity (pH below 5 is better). My dough's pH is usually between 4.1 and 4.2 (depends on the season, temperature). Levain magnifies the nutritional value of bread. Because it acidifies the environment, favoring proteolytic actions. In comparison,fresh yeast, dry yeast and most of other ferments pH are above 5.5.

- Levain bread ease digestion
Natural levain produces enzymes (protease) which during fermentation begin to degrade the gluten network which facilitates digestion and allows people sensitive to gluten to consume bread.

- Levain offer a better assimilation of minerals
Phytic acid stores phosphorus and minerals from the plant. The human digestive system cannot hydrolyze phytic acid and assimilate stored minerals (phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc). Only fermentation with natural levain produces an acidity (pH <5.5) which activates enzymes, called phytases. Phytases neutralize the inhibitory action of phytic acids.

- Levain increases bread shelf life.
Sourdough bread can be stored without stale for more than 1 week, while yeast breads can no longer be eaten after a day. This long preservation is due to two main elements: a thicker and crispier crust; leaven microorganisms that capture moisture and limit stale.

- Levain eases the assimilation of carbohydrates.

The use of levain lowers the glycemic index of bread. Levain allows better use of carbohydrates. During the fermentation, bacteria feed on starch, which ease digestion. IG de 45, comparé à baguette, bagel, pain de mie (+ de 80)

- Levain bread, tastes like bread !
During fermentation, levain will produce organic acids (lactic acids, acetic acids) and aromatic compounds. This gives the bread incomparable aromas. Lactic acid gives a sweet flavor. For its part, acetic acid, slightly vinegared, plays the role of a flavor enhancer and makes it possible to reduce the amount of salt while preserving the taste (16g/kg). Usually levain bread lovers wait a day or two to eat bread, that allows all aromas to reveal. The aromas are reinforced, which stimulates the desire for chewing and therefore the mechanisms of salivation which aid in digestion.

The leaven constantly undergoes 2 types of simultaneous fermentation: lactic and acetic. This is why it is necessary to refresh the 'sourdough chef' at regular intervals. 

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