





And the medicine became poison ...
It is true that in ancient Greek 'Pharmakon' refers to both : the poison and the remedy, the beneficial and the harmful drug.
So let's base ourselves on traditional Chinese medicine. By paying particular attention to our diet, we do good for our body and mind.
Living here, I thought that, since the traditional Japanese pharmacopoeia is based on Chinese medicine, it would be an established fact, an obviousness. So why so many poisons on the shelves of our stores?
Recently I caught myself leafing through one of these magazines dedicated to the so-called bakeries established in town. I think we've reached the pinnacle of junk food. It’s sad but not one of these famous stores sells bread. Bread is Flour, Water, Air and Salt... It works if you use healthy and nutritious ingredients, and prepare them with respect. It makes me angry and makes me sad at the same time.
Imagine if worldwide the Dragon Roll would be the emblem of Japanese cuisine ...
Unfortunately, this is the case today with bread here, ‘godzilla-bread’ stuffed with additives and flavour enhancers. 

Baking is a constant learning path.
Would you consider a japanese chef, someone who doesn’t know about japanese cuisine history ? Cooking or baking is not only about being skilled (skills you aquire with endless practice). Know your ingredients, their origin, and the history that brings the dish as it is today. First thing I learned 20 years ago when I came here, was about purity and simplicity of the food. The wabisabi philosophy behind kaiseki gastronomy for example. If you do agree, then you also understand bread. It is exactly the same thing, a baker doesn’t force or control things, he just unites 4 basic elements : Flour, Water, Air and Salt. Then time does the rest : for me, 15 hours (18 hours in winter).

In my bakery, no hat or my name embroidered on my jacket, no style or ‘signature’. I put myself in the service of healthy ingredients; I must respect them and by the fact honor those who extracted them from the nourishing land.

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